To say this is an adventure in the making would be a colossal understatement. Starting a business (especially in the digital space with its ever-changing landscape) has been an amazing experience and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

This July is a month of pause and reflection. 5 years ago, John Cornthwait, Matt Sams, and I left our established corporate jobs to launch a start-up grounded in the idea that digital strategy, design, and development could be taken to a higher level.

Five years forward and I’m truly humbled by the caliber of talented, intellectual people I am privileged to work with each and every day. These very special Fireflies have continuously propelled our mighty firm successfully upward and onward as we find ourselves accumulating more air miles, enjoying a client base that’s coast to coast, national recognition and awards, and a portfolio of work that I couldn’t be more proud of.

Even though our agency purposefully tries not to toot our own horn –today I felt I’d be terribly remiss if I didn’t take this milestone to say thank you to all of the clients, family, friends, partners, vendors, interns, mentors, competitors, and organizations that believed in us.

Every week at our Mason Jar we can honestly say we never have a dull moment around here. Not ever. Knowing what we’ve experienced so far, I can’t wait to see where we’re headed next. Here’s to the next five years!

Take some time to look through some of our best memories with us!

July 28, 2017 in Article
Greg Brock
Greg Brock