Whether or not you complete them, the self-evaluation needed to set resolutions is certainly valuable. At Firefli, we will be using the start of the new year to set new goals, give recognition to the success of 2018, and look forward to another amazing year together. Here's what the #FirefliNerds plan to do (or not do) in 2019.
Matt- Director of Strategy
Make more time for reading/learning. Over the past few years, I haven’t made time to read about industry trends as much as I should. Hoping to carve out some time each week in 2019.
Celebrate wins more. In the past, new contracts and finishing projects were reasons to celebrate each other. We need to get back in that routine.
Write more! Most of my writing comes in the form of proposals, client communications, etc., meaning I don’t have much time to contribute to our blog or even for myself. I’m determined to find time for writing in 2019.
Jocelyn- Back End Developer
Front End Learning. Start communicating better when I am working with a Front End dev. I can use these skills to improve my backend development.
Become Full Time Backend. I really want to be able to focus on my PHP & database skills.
Pick Up Ruby Again. I’d like to experiment with app development.
In my personal time I want to read more. I love reading.
Billy- Designer
Learn and apply new illustration and animation techniques to the web. I’m always trying to keep up with the latest illustration and animation trends.
Drink more/less chocolate milk. I need to drink less because it’s not super healthy. Need to drink more because chocolate milk.
Caleb- Senior Developer
“Resolution -eehhhh learn more home DIY stuff”
Michaela- Content Producer
Be present. I’m a planner/worrier and that can cause me to be too in my head. I want to be more mentally and physically available to the people in my life.
Say yes more. I’ve already started doing this. The best way to figure out if you love or hate something is to try it for yourself. I’m actively trying to say yes to new experiences in hopes of discovering more about myself.
Jeremy- Senior Designer
Start a journal. Personally I want to start writing more about my own life experiences. Professional, I’d like to write more about design and the process. Hopefully, I’d learn more about what’s working and what areas can be improved.
Give more joy. I always believed a sure way to have more joy is to give it. For me, this means living more grateful and being more intentional about what I say and do. It’s learning to let go of the things that don’t matter to focus on the people that matter the most.
Relax. 2018 was a looong year. There was a lot of big life changes. This year I’m going to do my best to NOT take myself so seriously. Which means giving myself some grace to relax and enjoy the amazing people in my life – my coworkers friends at Firefli, my crazy kids and my family.
Alex- Account Coordinator
Take a more active role in caring for the environment. I’d like to take some time to further educate myself on how to reduce my personal carbon footprint, beyond just recycling. I think campaigns against littering, and encouraging recycling are great, but I think we’re all a bit overdue in taking more personal responsibility to actively reduce the amount of garbage and emissions.
Stop procrastinating the small tasks. I often find myself delaying simple tasks because I think I have “more important” things to do. However, I’ve come to realize that I’m adding unnecessary stress by procrastinating. In the coming year, if a task takes only a minute or two, my goal is to address it immediately.
Greg- CEO
Plan something fun or adventurous for my 50th birthday in January 2020. I love milestones and celebrating them when they come.
Learn Russian. I’ve always been fascinated with the culture and people and hope to visit one day
Take myself less seriously – this is an on-going process. Age has its benefits when it comes to perspective and what’s really important.
Start a new project that will effect my community in some positive way . I am so proud to call our Roanoke Valley home and want to continue to find ways to give back as it’s been so good to me and to Firefli.
Kelly-Content Strategist
Avoid Autopilot and Work with Intention. The cyclical nature of content creation can sometimes allow you to fall into a churn-and-burn workflow. But we aren’t here to check boxes. We’re here to educate and engage. By continuing to refine our internal and external workflow throughout the year, we can continue to challenge ourselves to create incredible content and avoid stagnancy.
Read more. My writing improves significantly when I spend more time reading. Because I write in a storytelling and technical format, I want to read more books for personal and professional development.
Take more walks. I need to get away from my desk more and spend more time walking my (now two!) dogs!
John- Director Of Products
Play more. In 2019, I’m going to make time for more fun. I’ve already gotten tickets to more plays and performances than I’ve been to in the last five years. RENT, Kinky Boots, Chicago, Book of Mormon. Brace yourselves, swarm—there’s a lot of musical theatre in your future.
Live better. I took major steps to live a healthier life in 2018. After losing 50 pounds, I’m well on my way to more progress in 2019.
What’s next. With graduate school in the rearview mirror, I’m on the hunt for what I want to learn next. It might be more about user experience design. Or something completely unrelated to my professional life.
Cheers to 2019!